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Secretos de la Universidad

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Registrado: 05 Ago 2002
Mensajes: 70

MensajePublicado: Lun Mar 14, 2005 11:38 pm    Asunto: Secretos de la Universidad Responder citando

No se asusten es el T?tulo de un libro

Algunos comentarios citables

"La Universidad nunca intent? concientemente destruir a la comunidad estudiantil. Es como el accidente de Chernoby, la explosi?n del Challenger el fiasco del telescopio espacial Hubble. Las cosas pasan, algo no sucede de acuerdo con el plan y no se culpa a nadie. Pero a diferencia de los desastres de Chernoby o el Challenger, la Universidad se beneficia de los resultados no queridos".
University Secrets:Your Guide to Surviving a College Education
por Robert D. Honigman 1997. Capitulo Cuatro

La siguiente la dejo en Ingl?s para que no se pierda una sola gota del jugo de estas palabras
For many administrators and officials, concern with the preservation of the bureaucracy assumes primary significance. Indeed, the term bureaucracy is often used, not in the Weberian sense, but in the sense of an officialdom absorbed only the preservation of its own structure and in the ease of its operations "(Katz & Kahn, The Social Psychology of Organizations 485).
"There are four levels of understanding in the study of institutions. The first level comes when you realize that an institution is callous and brutal. Then you usually imagine the people who run this institution must be callous and brutal. They are Nazis, communists, bourgeoisie, capitalists, or whatever names we assign to people to render them less human. Fortunately, I avoided this stage because I knew that universities are run by kind and decent people.

The next level comes when you begin to see the self-interest of institutional personnel mingled with every institutional policy. Here you imagine that the institution is a business trying to maximize profit. Religious institutions and political ideologies have all been accused of this. But this impression fades too, as you realize that these people are too stupid to be running a business.

The third level of understanding comes when you begin to notice that the institutional leaders actually believe what they say and don?t think rationally. So you begin to take the idealism of its leadership seriously, as George Orwell and Lewis Carroll did, because the people who run these
places are a little out of touch with reality.

But finally, you reach the fourth level of understanding which is the hardest of all to attain, because if you look at the institution long enough you recognize yourself. Then you realize that we all live inside an official reality the way fish live in water. On the fourth level of understanding, we begin to feel compassion for people who run stupid and brutal institutions.They are us." University Secrets:Your Guide to Surviving a College Education
by Robert D. Honigman 1997

Antonio Mangione
Docente FQByF
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